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Ultima online forever seahorse statue

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Writers sometimes conflate a storytelling imperative with a moral one, and expect viewers to approve of the reversion of positive character development or of a character turning down her dream job so that she can keep the same drinking buddies.

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Furthermore, there's a risk of Moral Dissonance.

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It can be very difficult to juggle an unchanging status quo without gradually turning off your audience characters and situations which never change tend to get stale after a while, and audiences can get a bit tired of seeing the Reset Button being pushed every time it looks like something might happen to change things-especially if the thwarted change was potentially more interesting than the current status quo. It's still especially common in sitcoms, though-and as a result, there are plenty of Broken Aesops created by the fact that, although characters have learned their lessons or attempted to improve their predicaments, nothing ever really changes. Or, perhaps, simply as a result of a generation of Americans and other Western audiences (implied by the previous statement) growing up with more complex media as the Eastern audience had the generation before along with the increasing availability of personal creative display via the Internet.

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Cartoons with Story Arcs have slowly started becoming more popular over the past decade or so, perhaps influenced by the popularity of the many, many Anime series which have an ongoing continuity.

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This trope is especially true for cartoons, where networks want to be free to broadcast reruns in any convenient order or lack thereof. And God forbid anyone change the status quo of the surrounding world. Much like Failure Is the Only Option, any changes at all are resolved with a Snap Back or Reset Button.

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For example, they may use a title sequence that tells us everything we need to know, or, if the series has a serial plot, flashbacks, since Viewers Are Goldfish. The reasoning for this is probably that the creators want the audience to instantly know everything about the characters and situation, without having to bother with such things as "what happened last episode". In either case, each installment of the series will open under virtually identical circumstances to the installment that came before. This usually happens in a series with no overarching conflict, although it is also the final stage of Exponential Plot Delay, the phenomenon in which the plot of a serial story has totally ground to a halt. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP.Ī more extreme version of Failure Is the Only Option, in which almost nothing changes. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE. THIS SHOULD BE WORKING NOW, REPORT ANY ISSUES TO Janna2000, SelfCloak or RRabbit42. The Trope workshop specific templates can then be removed and it will be regarded as a regular trope page after being moved to the Main namespace.

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