This work applied log-ratio transformations in order to overcome this problem. The traditional statistics (e.g., Pearson correlation, Euclidean distance) for the elemental data of coal may lead to misinterpretation because the elemental data of coal are of compositional nature and follow the rules of Aitchison geometry. Hierarchical clustering algorithm has been widely adopted to investigate the modes of occurrence of elements in coal. The modes of occurrence for elements in coal are extremely important for deciphering geological process of coal formation and for anticipating the technological behavior and environmental and health impacts derived from coal utilization. Disadvantages of PIXE/PIGE techniques include: (1) their detection limits are less sensitive than atomic absorption spectroscopy or ICP-MS methods (Whateley, 2002) (2) despite the advantage of examining small amounts of sample material, the small volume of excitation raises questions of sample representativeness and homogeneity, particularly for heterogeneous materials like coal (3) matrix corrections tend to be large, especially for thick samples, and, although initially there were some issues with accurate quantification, these early problems have been overcome (Teesdale et al., 1988 Burnett et al., 1988 Pineda and Peisach, 1988) and (4) they require particle accelerators (Wong and Robertson, 1993). (1977) and Kullerud and Steffen (1979) first reported the PIXE/PIGE data on US coals spread on a thin plastic substrate, with a weight < 2 mg of coal and pulverized to less than 20 μm (2) It is capable of rapidly determining most elements (i.e., 75 elements in the periodic table) simultaneously (3) Little is required in regard to sample preparation and, therefore, there is a reduced possibility for contamination and preparation error and (4) The technique is more sensitive to trace element species than conventional XRF. For Trainee and Intern: Graduated or will graduate soon.Expertise or interest in various Human Resources functions (Recruitment, Compensation and Benefits, Talent Development, etc.).For Specialist role: Directly applicable HR experience working with cross-functional technical teams, preferably in a tech start-up or hyper-growth environment.Good command of verbal and written communication skills in both English and Turkish.Building and maintaining a purpose-driven high-performance culture (Proactive environment and the ability to build significant relations with people.).Strong predisposition to attract top talents to best practices.Strong analytical, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.Experience in strong day-to-day operations and ability to follow the process.

Ability and flexibility to maintain composure in a high-paced growing start-up.

Qualifications required for positions are as follows :
We are looking for an HR specialist, trainee, and intern to work in a new generation software company to lead Talent Processes across.