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The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals is above average. Pupils are from a wide range of minority ethnic backgrounds in this larger than average sized primary school, and almost half speak English as an additional language. The drive for excellence and its rapid rate of improvement give the school an outstanding capacity for sustained improvement. Members of the highly effective governing body are equally rigorous and fulfil their responsibilities in an exemplary manner, particularly in relation to safeguarding pupils and supporting greater community cohesion. Self-evaluation is systematic, and used to identify sharply focused priorities for improvement. Middle leaders play a pivotal role in driving school improvement and in helping their colleagues to develop their teaching skills. One result is that attendance, although average, is improving rapidly. The school's work with parents and carers is highly effective in engaging them in their children's learning and providing them with information about their progress. The headteacher has positioned the school at the heart of its community by forging very strong partnerships with many outside organisations that have a direct impact on achievement and pupils' well-being. They are keen to learn about different ways of life and show much respect for the customs and values of others. Pupils' outstanding spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is reflected in the great consideration they show to each other. They are confident that any problems they raise will be dealt with constructively, and understand the benefits of healthy eating and regular exercise.
Pupils have an excellent understanding of how to stay safe. Pupils are very proud of their school and make an extensive contribution to its life and improvement. The extremely safe and secure environment, coupled with pupils' exemplary behaviour, results in a calm, harmonious and purposeful atmosphere throughout the school. The school is very aware of the situations of pupils and their families, enabling staff to direct action to support their specific needs, particularly where their circumstances make them potentially more vulnerable. There is a strong sense of community within the school based on understanding the needs of individuals and the early identification of difficulties newcomers might face. Pupils' writing has improved by developing their skills in contexts they find engaging, generally closely linked to their topics. The emphasis on basic skills has led to improved achievement in English and mathematics. Learning is brought to life by the themes pupils study. The curriculum is rich and diverse, providing many memorable experiences for pupils on a daily basis. Although assessment information is used well to pitch lessons closely to the pupils' needs, this is not consistent across all classrooms in the challenge provided for the more-able. The focus on developing speaking and listening skills is highly effective and pupils are often seen to be engaged and absorbed in their lessons. Within a profile of good teaching there are some outstanding lessons that move learning forward rapidly. Pupils' attainment by the end of Year 6 is average but rising. Through exceptionally well-targeted care, guidance and support, an outstanding curriculum and good and improving teaching, pupils make good progress across the school and achieve well from often low starting points and from whatever time they enter the school. She is supported in the drive to achieve her ambitions by a highly effective leadership team and a challenging governing body. She has transformed the school into a reflective organisation which provides an outstanding quality of education. Pinner Wood Primary School has been on a journey of improvement since its last inspection under the headteacher's inspirational leadership.